What You Can Do To Improve the Environment?
Only You Can Bring the Change!
Tips and Ideas
Try to use less electricity and more natural lighting in your house. You can also use solar panels to power your house. This way, your family can save more on your electricity bills.
Install recycling bins at the corner of every street for cans, paper, plastic etc. Coordinate with your town so that a recycling truck can come and pick it up every other day.
Use your own reusable or cloth grocery bags instead of using plastic bags in the supermarket.
Try to walk or use bicycles rather than using fuel emitting vehicles (i.e.car, motorbike etc.).
Use Google Docs or a similar word processor and sign up for E-Bills rather than using paper to help save trees.
Try to use less air conditioning! You aren’t going to die if your house is four degrees above 70 degrees... Air conditioning will expose the environment to more chlorofluorocarbons every day, destroying the ozone layer.
If you can, grow your own organic vegetables, such as tomatoes and lemons, rather than buying from the supermarket. Or buy produce from local farms, as the amount of pollution caused by transportation is less compared to the supermarket. It may even tastes better!
Don’t waste food. If you really can’t eat it, save it for the birds.
Use rechargeable batteries, they save money and energy.
Grow plants at home for a clean and healthy breathing environment, while making the Earth green.
It will help to keep the temperature stable. "Go Green!”
Unsubscribe from all of the junk mail, such as catalogues or magazines, that you do not need anymore. It is a waste of paper.
Try to get your magazines on an app or online. Most newspaper and magazine companies offer this option.
Eat less meat and more vegetables, they are more healthy and saves animals likes cows..
Don’t waste water by keeping the tap off when you are brushing your teeth or when taking a shower.
Plant flowers to attract bees for better pollination!
Stop using pesticides or buying products with pesticides.
Use hand dryers instead of paper towels in public bathrooms.
Use old methods of drying clothes (i.e. stringing/hanging cloth instead of using laundry dryers)
(P.S. It won’t make your pajamas shrink!)
Use more blankets during winter instead of keeping the heat extremely high.
Use hybrid and electric cars.
Turn off all electronic devices when not in use.
Leave the natural places like the parks, lakes and the beaches how you found them.
“Leave nothing but footprints, Take nothing but pictures, Kill nothing but time.”
Let's work together and save the environment. Feel free to share your tips and ideas through our official email environmentGWC@gmail.com.